We use our best endeavors to contribute to human life and health based on the belief that we must make progress in our society.

Comparison with Governance Practices Code

Category Adoption Note
Enactment of Corporate Governance Charter O Enactment in November 2021
Enactment of employees' code of ethics O Enactment in May 2021
Separation of CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors O  
Holding regular meetings of the Board of Directors O Holds regular board meetings six times a year
Prior provision of information on the directors before holding a meeting of the Board of Directors O Provision of descriptions about agendas seven days in advance
Committee operation for the fair recommendation of director candidates O Operation of Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee
Subscription to liability insurance for directors at the company's expense O  
Introduction of regulations on roles and operation procedures of the Board of Directors and sub-committees O Enactment and disclosure of regulations for Board of Directors, Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee, Compensation Committee, ESG Committee
Announcement of the Board of Directors' activities, attendance rate, and pros and cons about major agendas O Disclosure of Business Report, Website
Verification of accuracy of business reports O Verification by CEO and responsible employees
Disclosure of differences from corporate governance best practices on business reports or websites O Disclosure of Website